How We Help with Estate and Trusts

Losing a loved one can be emotionally devastating. The financial aftermath can be overwhelming too, often leaving family and friends confused about what needs to be done and when. We are pleased to offer the following estate services to help you through this difficult time.

Income Taxes & Probate Fee Planning

Prior to a death, there can be significant planning opportunities to simplify an estate, educate executors and heirs and save taxes and fees. We will work with you and your advisors to build an integrated estate plan that we oversee.

And post-death we will work with the executors and heirs to assist with estate management and wind up until completion.


Working with your estate lawyer or one we can recommend, we will help you to build a tax smart and financial planning sensitive Will and estate plan.

Legal preparation of estate documents is not enough. We often find significant changes to even new Wills that we review for clients. After death we will work with the lawyer to oversee completion of the estate.

Asset Liquidation and Estate Execution

A significant challenge in an estate is how to divide up assets while giving consideration to liabilities like loans and income tax.

We work with the executors to offer a neutral, objective expertise in who gets what and why.

Executor Coaching

It can take five years to manage and finalize an estate after the death of a loved one. We will advise the executors and heirs to complete the process, providing guidance on process, rules, planning and timing every step of the way.


Inter-Generational Planning

Your kids or spouse may not be the expert that you are regarding financial matters.

We will teach them over time about money management and financial planning in order to become their own strong financial stewards. Our “money university” helps heirs to get comfortable as the beneficiaries of your estate.

Planned Giving

Leaving money or assets to foundations, charities and causes can often form an important part of an estate plan.

We will assist you today to examine tax smart options for effective giving, implement the strategies in your estate plan and help the executors and trustees with the execution of the plan.